Suzuki Midnight Sun Run

The 2025 Suzuki Midnight Sun Run will take place on the evening of June 19th. The location is Laugardalur, Reykjavik.

Registration for the 2025 Suzuki Midnight Sun Run is open. Those interested in registering (or registering other interested runners) can register for the following distances: 

Runners participating in all three distances will start and end in Laugardalur. Laugardalur is in full bloom by this time of year. The course is measured by certified AIMS measurer.

Click here to see the program for the race day.

Next races:

  • 2025 - Thursday night, June 19th
  • 2026 - Thursday night, June 18th
  • 2027 - Thursday night, June


  • Suzuki
  • Corsa
  • ÍTR
  • 66 north
  • Gatorade